If you love putting together costumes that help develop the look and mood for a character, our costumes area would love to have you on their team!  The crew spends time understanding who each character is, assesses the costume stock, then begins building the perfect outfit that fits the plot.  This may require sewing by hand, sewing by machine, cutting material, or simply creating something from scratch! Let’s also not forget those last minute stitches before a cast member takes the stage.
Small props may be small but they contribute to a large, overall look of a scene. Being given the opportunity to create original, innovative, and ambitious-looking props for a play takes great skill and structured time. It requires having conversations with the director to make sure the era and historical feel match the prop. Luggage, dishes, wands, books, a teapot all qualify as a small prop. It may mean a trip to your grandma’s house to see what treasures she has that could be  borrowed!